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Everything posted by Maxima

  1. Yeah, I was real close to having just that happen. I told the officer he was about to make a big mistake and better check with his chief. He finally got a hold of him on his cell phone, and then told me I could go.
  2. Yeah, it was a little complex for my situation, but your help is much appreciated. I do have a decently powerful inverter that comes on and goes off with my vehicle. Adding a switch to allow it to stay on when the vehicle has been shut off shouldn't be a problem. I was hoping to use a DVR just because although I won't need to upload very much, the system will need to be on whenever I drive (2-5 hours a day). I haven’t had a problem with the hard drive in my Sony Handycam handling the bumps of the road, but I assume the HD in that is built differently than most CCTV HDs. Plus since I want it to turn on automatically, I didn't think a VCR situation would work very well with this. I may be wrong though. I was also hoping to avoid any cameras/audio on myself. The problem with this is, I would have to fumble around for it whenever I got stopped, and is something that could easily get me shot around here, or at least create reasonable suspicion to search my car. That's why I was going to get a mic out the back, and have the cameras in the car facing out the back when they get me out. I did find something similar too what I need on eBay under the title "Mini Mobile 4-Ch Stand Alone DVR for Auto & CCTV". Seems to have the features and stuff I'm looking for. I'd like to not spend more than $700 on this project.
  3. Oh yes, I've checked this out already. In Missouri, I can record with both audio and video anything that happens within public view. Although some of the cops seem to think overwise. They've threatent to arrest me for taping them, saying it was a felony. I've confirmed otherwise and I'm good to go. I've checked with my attorney, another one, and a few law professors at my school. As far as teh footage, they will get to see a copy of the footage in court when they keep this up.
  4. Yes, I'm doing just that. The problem is, these officers are stopping me and saying that I've done something wrong like "crossed over a line" or "speeding". Without video proof it makes it hard to prove the stop is an illegal one.
  5. No, that's great thank you. I don't need GPS or anything of that sort. Just about as basic as I can get with 4 cameras and 1 audio. This is going to be on a personal vehicle. As far as getting the video to a computer, I was hoping to use USB or a flash drive if possible. Anything wireless is going to be way too much at this time. The car is a Nissan Maxima. Recently replaced the alternator and don't have any problems with the electrical system. I'm not running anything else that draws power and it stays very consistent thru start up and while driving. As for the cameras, they need to be hidden and able to see in dim light. I was hoping to have one in the headliner facing out the front window, one inside the car, but needs to be on the speedometer (possibly in a rear pillar to capture the speed and part of the interior of the car), one up in the headliner facing out the rear, and possibly another to get a larger view out the back and cover more of an angle. I also need it to be a decent amount of frames, and not so much of a picture taker, but more like a movie. I'm unfamiliar with what frame rate that would be though. Making out faces clearly outside of the vehicle isn't very important though if it means much more money on cameras. The hard drive doesn't have to be that large though as any incidents I need uploaded will be done so immediately. I've searched hard thru all the posts of mobile products and have sent emails, but many don't seem to one to deal with me for one unit. The main reason for this system is for dealing with the police. I have a current lawsuit pending and they like to harass me a lot. This includes fabricated moving violations to make stops and give me trouble. This is my current camera system...please don't laugh, I needed something...anything, but I know they can easily make the camera disappear as they've already mentioned doing just that. *Can't post the picture yet beacuse of forum rules about me being a noob*