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Everything posted by baywatch

  1. baywatch

    connecting dvr to pc

    We use a free site http://www.no-ip.com to assign names to our systems that have dynamic IP addressed. We have been using it now for over a year & have had no problems, it also lets your customer give the site a name that is easy to remember such as Anytown-cargarage.no-ip.com Saves rental on static IPs
  2. baywatch

    Environmental camera housings

    We have replaced a few that had wipers & the customers have never used them. I think the only need for washers & wipers are in very harsh environments & maybe where there is a lot of traffic fumes e.g. town centre systems.
  3. baywatch

    Long Distance cameras

    How wide a field of view do you require 500 metres away, the whole horizon, width of a road or path, or gateway or path ? Please let us know what you want to observe & the light levels?
  4. Sorry I think the user = demo & password = 123 IT guys not in today!
  5. Anyone tried these? I've got one testing at http://uplandstavern.servebeer.com:8010 username =demo, password = 123. I think our upload is to slow for it, I must sort out with our IT guy how fast our upload is ?
  6. baywatch

    Long Distance cameras

    500 metres about 541yards.(1 metre = 39 inches) Do you need to send the camera signal back this distance or need a camera to view this distance?
  7. Very interesting site, thanks!
  8. baywatch

    Am I alone

    Hi Daranijo Welcome to the forum. I sent some systems to Nigeria for Shell earlier in the year. I am just negotiating some more deals. Are you an installer & if so would you be interested in some installations. If you are then I can put you in contact with the importing company (if the deal goes thru).
  9. baywatch

    Geovision 6.1

    Thanks for the replies & advice. I have looked at some new cards that came with the 6.1 software & know the chip youare talking about. I will contact my supplier about replacement chips once I have evaluated the new software.
  10. baywatch

    Bad Video Signal

    Hi Mitt Could be as dvr_expert_australia advises, been caught with similar problems before. The first 2 images that you showed do look similar to images we get using PAL cameras if the unit is set up for NTSC. You seem to have been given the best advice, to test each camera straight on a monitor first with a short coax & power lead.
  11. baywatch

    Megapixel cams

    Anybody had any experience with the Iqeye camera & recorder? We are thinking of using 1 for catching people dumping garbage. the customer wants to get good facial images. www.iqvision.com Thanks
  12. baywatch

    HELP! Dummy CCTV question

    Hi Ally Maybe this is of interest to you, not exactly what your looking for, but a start? http://www.cambridge.gov.uk/whoweare/manual_cctv_code_of_practice.pdf Regards Les
  13. baywatch

    Plasma screen

    Hi Thanks for your input. A rear projection screen is not an option as the unit must be as thin as poss. I have talked the MD into having a Samsung 32 inch unit. This was a sensible size as the office is smaller than 1st described to me. Thanks again for the replies.
  14. baywatch

    Plasma screen

    Hi Maybe someone can give me some advice? I am installing a system for a customer using a Geovision card & the MD has asked me to supply him with a 42 inch Plasma screen. I have been told that Plasma is not suitable for cctv use as the images burn in very quickly. I have offered the customer a 32 inch LCD screen (which I have used before with no problem) but he would prefer the larger screen if possible. Some suppliers in the U.K advertise the Plasma screens for cctv use but fudge when asked how long they will last. One even told me to tell the customer not to leave it on for long periods (they should try that with this MD) Any advice appreciated.