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  1. Racermama

    viewing from remote devices

    HIK-online. It has been working and the. All of a sudden says not registered to ddns. I am 2 hours away so going to have someone reset. Could be no power?
  2. Racermama

    viewing from remote devices

    Have been enjoying my camera and views. On Friday I was watching camera in afternoon. In the evening I went to look at activity and it said not registered in ddns. I had not done anything to get this message help please
  3. Racermama

    viewing from remote devices

    What I did was get a separate router. The one I had was a modem/router from centurylink. Once I got a separate router everything seems to be working fine.
  4. Racermama

    viewing from remote devices

    Update on first post. It works fine from the house. Just having issues from viewing on remote devices. Thoughts?
  5. Racermama

    viewing from remote devices

    Anyone out there know why when you bring up playback that it would say abnormal remote viewing?
  6. Racermama

    viewing from remote devices

    I have an unlimited data plan, so doubt that would be as issue. It also says abnormal playback and playback timed out. Sometimes when starting connection failed. I just don't uNderstand how it can work then quit. I appreciate all replies. Thank you
  7. Racermama

    viewing from remote devices

    But why would it work for a month?
  8. Racermama

    viewing from remote devices

    Also when viewing from remote device the clock on the viewing page stops. Anyone else have this problem?
  9. Love my camera, but the remote viewing stalls at times. Worked for 2 weeks, then just works for 10 seconds and stalls on I-pad and smart phone. I can see there is recording by the blue lines, but it is just a still shot when it comes up. Worked Monday night and started this on Tuesday. This is the 3rd time this has happened. Security company is saying its upload speed, but nothing has changed. Any suggestions? I am 200 miles away from camera and NVR