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  1. so if light will trigger motion detector then I imagine when tree limbs shadow on the ground move that also triggers the detector. I have another camera with 2 pine trees, the limbs move with blowing wind. I have that area disabled but if the sun is out their shadows moves. That must be whats triggering the dectector, the moving tree shadows.
  2. Is it the camera or the DVR program that determines motion dectecion and the camera records? Unless motion is detected the camera takes a snapshot or single frame video ever 5 seconds. I have one camera that faces the street and the area cars drive by I have motion detection disabled but it does not always work. My question is can sound or headlights set of the motion dectection. I have set and watched where the motion dectection is set off and no part of the car was outside the disabled zone.
  3. Charly1954

    Diffuse IR Floodlight

    I'm a newbee to all this. I also added a illuminator to brighten a dark area. It did but the illuminator had a flashlight beam not wide. I did research and found I needed to add something to diffuse or spread out the light. I doubt this would work, haven't bought any to try it yet. But if I took a piece of the clear wax paper, wadded it up to make allot of different angled surfaces, then taped it on the illuminator. Do you think this would work? Being wadded up it would diffuse the light but would enough light shine thru the paper? Here's a diffuser for a flash on a camera, may work http://www.ebay.com/itm/White-Flash-Diffuser-Cap-Box-for-CANON-Speedlite-Flashgun-580EX-580EX-II-/321387365519?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item4ad42e048f Or maybe this, its a camera diffuser lens http://www.ebay.com/itm/Kenco-T-975-Diffuser-Lens-for-900-Series-Movie-Video-hot-Lights-USED-V615-/350787203201?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item51ac8bf081
  4. I installed a Zmodo system w/4 cams. After dark the video was not that birght or clear so I bought Swann Pro-Cam2 2-pak cameras to see if they was any better than the Zmodo cameras at night. I swaped one Swann cam for an installed Zmodo, the video was allot better. Since it was better I decided to replace the Zmodo cable with the Swann cable. After doing that I noticed the video was blurrier. I hooked the Swann back up to the Zmodo cable and it was clear again. So I decided to use the Zmodo cable with the Swann camera. But why would the cable that came with the camera make the video blurry? The only difference I can see is the Swann cable is heavier or thicker than the Zmodo cable. Could that be the reason the Swann cable made the video blurry? Or is it the Swann cable, for some reason, was not compatible with the Zmodo DVR.