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Everything posted by cameron088

  1. cameron088

    H.264 DVR Networking Setup Help!?!?

    Step by step instructions for networking you DVR: Connect your DVR to your router Enter your DVR’s menu and go to networking to assign an internal IP and gateway this can be done automatically by selecting DHCP.The Local IP must be in the same Gateway range as the Router. If you are unsure you can check this by going to your start menu on your computer selecting check run, type cmd and click enter. In the command prompt type ipconfig. Look for Gateway. If the Gateway is, then you can make the DVR’s IP anything from – Also you will need to use the same SubNet Mask, which is typically, and also use the same gateway. Next find out what ports your DVR uses. The easiest way to it is by reading the manual of your DVR. Look for the network section of it.In many cases it will be as simple as just Port 80, which is an HTTP port. Set your router to forward chosen port to internal IP address of DVR.To access the Router, use the Default Gateway you just located, enter it into your web browser and then click the Enter. A username and a password will be required, these vary depending on you router. For Linksys use “admin”, “admin”. By default DLink doesn’t require any username or password. Sky is “admin”,”sky”. Virgin Media just requires a password “changeme”. Once you’re logged into the Router, in the Applications & Gaming Section / Servers of the Router, you need to add a Server/Application. Enter the port number and select UDP/TCP. Where it says Port 0 to 0 enter the same port number twice. Where is ask for IP address enter the address you assigned you DVR earlier. Set up additional entries for as many ports the DVR uses, to the same local IP. Check your DVR manual and it’s networking section for all additional ports required like mobile port. Once you have added all the required ports to your router, you can go to canyouseeme.org to check if you have done this successfully. Next you need to set up a DNS if you don’t have a static IP address chances are you wont have one unless you are a business or have specifically asked your internet service provider for one. Check with your DVR’s Instructions to see what DNS services are compatible, a good one and one I like to use is changeip.com. Sign up with change ip go to the dns manager section and sign up for a free DDNS which should look something like this example.dynamic-dns.net if you want a .com you have to pay .net is FREE. once you have registered your DNS go to your DVR’s network setting and enter the DDNS details required. Once you’ve done all this download the application that is compatible with your DVR go to the menu and select add device. Enter your new DNS in the address bar and the mobile port which you added to your router earlier. Click save and go to live view. ALL DONE!!! If all that was a little to much for you don’t worry feel free to message the support team at Randall’s Security for assistance. Just visit http://www.randalls-security.co.uk