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Everything posted by sinbad

  1. your wife bought 8 cam+dvr system for less than $400, what did you expect? that even offending the 10 years old Chinese boy who assembled this crap. we get license plates with analog all the time. MP is better but with a decent system and correct lens you get LPR.
  2. sinbad

    Sony Brand Camera - Sample Night Image

    where 98 feet? it looks like 30' and ****ty image. for what you paid its totally wrong. but must be your settings somewhere. try rebooting the cam after dip switch changes if you don't see the changes immediately. if that's the best it gets I'll return it and buy a samsung or nuvico cam instead. both have nice image at night time. I always cut the range they claim in 30%. if you really need 100' range buy an external IR unit. Vitek make nice units which are cost effective. I'll stay away from noname IR illuminators. (or anything else lol)
  3. you guys don't have EMT conduit there? Back in NY I used to work alot with brick walls and never had issues drilling the brick itself and using tapcons to attach pipe to wall every 10 feet.
  4. sinbad

    Sony Brand Camera - Sample Night Image

    not too impressive ha? did you try playing with the dip switch options? I'll turn off AGC and turn on ATR-lite Pin No. Switch Location Up (ON) Down (OFF) 1 SYNC LL INT 2 AGC ON OFF 3 iBLC ON OFF 4 ATR-Lite ON OFF 5 SHARPNESS SHARP NORMAL 6 WB ATW PRO ATW 7 D/N AUTO OFF 8 D/N_TIME SHORT LONG 9 AdIR ON OFF 10 IRIS OPEN AUTO
  5. sinbad

    Geovision hybrid system

  6. @mikey2k I wasn't able to fix it in house. I need to send it to repair.
  7. The srd1650dc is CIF and 1670dc is D1
  8. This camera should be just like the scd2080 with the addition of R which stands for IR I think all Samsung srd-dc series will control it. It's called 'up the coax', or Samsung term is 'coaxial control', if I remember correctly. The DC is for 'direct coax', I'm usually buying srd1670dc which is 30fps at full D1 on all channels. They make the same with other channels just make sure the dvr has DC in the model name. Dedicated Micros also have up the coax dvrs but they are quite pricey and suck if you want to add HDDs.
  9. awesome camera I love selling it. If you don't need IR you can get the SCD-2080 which is day/night and works great in low light. comes with lots of settings you can tweak and beautiful image. also if you get samsung SRD dvr you can control the cam over the coax which is really sweet for large installs. buy it you won't regret
  10. hi everyone, I have an install with over 16 POS to do. I used to use the POS data capture box but I rather go the text Sender option here to save lots of work. Problem is that my printers are LPT (parallel) and all I can see in GV application is setting for Serial printers. LPT is nowhere in the dropdowns, only COM ports. Does anyone know of a way to make the text sender app work with LPT printer? TIA...
  11. sinbad


    from what I heard cams are not too good (check specs i think max is 1.3MP) I am however using their wireless devices in more than 30 installs with 3rd party cams and their stuff is top of the line. cant beat their prices either. need to do your homework as far as whats best for the install and setting up AirOS but their forums are very active and lots of guides. good luck.
  12. Hi all, i have a Samsung SRD1670DC which recently started having issue on two inputs. it used to work flowless, settings were not changed for the cameras input so I'm a little puzzled by this. The issue is that out of the 16 channels two are very fuzzy, the pictures attached will explain better the issue I hope note the difference between the images. The DVR has latest firmware (1.08xxx) installed and the problem is only on two channels which makes it strange as I thought the SRD has 4 trunks of 4 channels each so I expect this problem to be on 4 channels not two. If anyone have any ideas please share them. Thanks!
  13. sinbad

    Lost admin. password.

    Check the settings menu if there is an option for factory reset. If not you probably need to get ahold of the dvr mfg support they'll tell you what sequence of button will reset it most of the times its not going to be internal button rather some keypress combo on the dvr front buttons...
  14. sinbad

    DVR channels looks fuzzy

    Good thinking ill give it a try and see if it affect it. Its a D1 display/D1 recording unit I already rules out the baluns, cat6, and camera so it got to be something in the dvr. I just really dont want to send it to repair as I think they send it back to Korea. Last time I had to send Samsung unit it took me almost two months to get it back...
  15. sinbad

    JPEG2000 DVR

    It all depends on the particular dvr you have. My guess is that if the dvr is from '06 it wouldn't have support for mobile phone. But you should check with the mfg website maybe there is a firmware update that will enable mobile support for it.
  16. sinbad

    DVR channels looks fuzzy

    Yep its set on CIF. Why do you think its related?
  17. sinbad

    DVR channels looks fuzzy

    Recording is turned off for this dvr. Looks crappy no matter which cam is connected to. Only on 2 channels. Dvr less than a year old. Tried factory reset of settings and firmware flashing already. Tried reboot and 30 minutes off to let capacitors cool down. Same result.
  18. sinbad

    DVR Login failed - In LAN

    So I guess we need to guess the DVR you talking about?
  19. sinbad


    can anyone please upload somewhere and link me the main system update? two last card shipped to us with 8.5.0
  20. sinbad


    never got the confirmation email from them. luckily apex cctv gives free download on their site. thanks
  21. sinbad

    Approximate price quote

    I know a lot of guys here will swear on avermedia but my personal experience wasn't good whenever we installed them. (PC based cards) the pcs will crash way too often and the features are really limited compared to GV. We ended up replacing all the avermedia systems with geovision within a year or two max.
  22. sinbad

    Additional IR light. Advice?

    good IR light cost big $$, you better off getting flood lights if it's possible. either way, it should point same direction that the camera is pointing.
  23. sinbad

    Video lost on GV1480 after reinstallation

    did you remeber to connect to power to the molex connector on the DVR card? not a must that you will have one on 5 years old card though..
  24. the best I can recall is the burglar who stole the DVR monitor after he saw himself on the screen. he took a bunch of meds but the owner and myself couldn't stop laughing when we saw him in the back door camera with the screen in his hands.