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Everything posted by zmxtech

  1. zmxtech

    Advice on acti 7411

    Make sure the power is hooked up.... put your laptop/PC on the same subnet -an IP like -turn your firewall off. gateway leave the gateway blank. then try to 'ping' the camera "ping" from the command prompt both lights on the camera should be flashing same as the laptops/PC. when thats working try the web browser Admin 123456 to access z
  2. zmxtech


    cheap wireless = world of pain -but look at the 5ghz stuff
  3. zmxtech

    Wireless design w live monitoring

    I would use 4x IP cameras, a small POE switch and a wireless bridge and panel antenna pointing back to base. other factors -budget, lighting, DVR software, power? z
  4. zmxtech

    Use existing LAN or create new?

    I always use a separate network, It wont go down well when you kill off their network with IP cameras hammering away. And theres the security issues also. use Vlans to separate for sure if its on the same network and you have no choice z
  5. Exactly why would you use plastic lock on a bank? Spend the money and get a clean sharp picture of the bad guys, That way you wont look llike a chump when the police ask for the "image" For less than $500 you can have a megapixel ID camera pointing at the front door. Im pretty sure 'CCTV' does not stand for Cheap Camera TV.... z
  6. I would put small illuminators on each side of the garage door Its a dark spot and thats where a thief will be trying your car doors. And usually looking into the camera ! Camera 3`s is in a good position but the other side is not covered ? ps most of the actis have a "sound" port somewhere z
  7. 1/ get the software -or a reader 2/ Get them to send you some photo`s z
  8. shoot.... then ask `em them who they are !
  9. yes the vans ok, but the blue cars plate....?
  10. I did actually read the whole post thanks, and that camera wont be any good when the bad guys vistit with BB caps on thats my point. put one on...and try it day and night you will see. They dont wear them because there fashionable its to hide the face ! z
  11. I want 1000 IP cameras my bugdet is $1000! -and they must be wireless
  12. cant read the plates ? its all washed out and heavily compressed
  13. 16 wireless cameras ? no way! And I know what im doing ! Unless you can give them each their own frequency on 5ghz + If you use WIFI you will be in a world of pain. Running a wireless backbone to a cluster of cams through a switch is better but it had better be a real fast link. z
  14. zmxtech

    Which IP camera you guys prefer and why?

    it all depends on the type of installation and budget, My lists goes like.... Acti -good value AXIS -good quality great images Arecont for jobs that need a lens or illuminator Mobitix for specialised installs like 360 domes and Portable cam/DVR combo`s. IQeye are way to expensive here to even think about using ! Avigilon are the same. I cant even use or buy them without "training" Acti and Axis are proactive here in Australia, Im sure the others will catch up soon tho. my 2c
  15. Actually its the type of IR LED that is used, you will notice the larger bullets have a different type of LED inside higher powered. Most of the domes have 5mm LEDs. I usually dont like Domes and IR it has to be done well to work. Im starting to like the the IR & dual lens domes tho. z
  16. zmxtech

    lines on screen

  17. zmxtech

    BNC to VGA

    A small run will be fine, if you get ghosting etc you will need an AMP/splitter cheap also, z
  18. zmxtech

    car camera system

    The Mobotix CMOS sensors are very good for crazy lighting, unlike CCD's they can handle direct sun light no problem. At first I was hesitant on CMOS then I did the Mobotix course and was impressed. The shutter speed can be adjusted to suit like 1/1000 to capture cars flying past no problem.
  19. zmxtech

    BNC to VGA

    yes well.... Ebay it is ! http://cgi.ebay.com/BNC-Composite-S-Video-To-VGA-Converter_W0QQitemZ320422423974QQcmdZViewItemQQptZLH_DefaultDomain_0?hash=item4a9aaa2da6 z
  20. zmxtech

    BNC to VGA

    You dont need any converters, just buy an LCD monitor that has composite video in. -sounds like you already have the monitor z
  21. guys I see this all the time, A dude pulls in your driveway while your out and kicks your door in. So far you know what sort of car it is -thats it! the cops will ask what's the rego number -sorry cant get that -DOH He`s wearing a baseball cap as all thieves do -all you have is a logo on his head -again the cops ask did you get a shot of his face ? front or rear you need a ID camera at face level. at the choke points As for the lighting yes! it's not good so change it to suit. I would put a 10w globe in there just to keep "the look" put a light baffle so it does not effect the camera so much and put some lighting on the house pointing outwards to assist the camera`s -motion sensing would be fine. so: A 16mm lens costs $20 if that and it will grab the plates -well worth it. A camera like a pin-hole at the front door at face level is a winner every time ! for ID`s. maybe $50 for that remember "only the paranoid survive".....
  22. there is a super cheap way, just do a web page with all the cams programed in with there separate IP's Axis have info on how to do it on their site ie: "http://10.0.0.XXX/mjpg/video.mjpg" will be embedded in the page xxx being each cam`s IP or you could do static image also, note this will crank up the bandwidth z
  23. just some constructive criticism... These are all overview cameras[up high], 1/ If they wear a hat/hood the face will be invisible. 2/ you need to read number plates. so I would suggest some ID cams at face level near the door and a 16/25mm lens looking at the driveway. And lock box with the DVR inside. z
  24. zmxtech

    what a dumb question

    16V AC ? dude ....... you want it to malfunction ?. Some cams have 12v DC and 24v AC so if you regulate the 16V AC to 12v DC it fine. [if the cam supports it.] but again 16V AC into 24v AC cam is asking for problems