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  1. simon69

    H.264 DVR Networking Setup Help!?!?

    hi there i have exactly the same Generic DVR and exactly the same problem. I can view videos internally IE on the intranet but can't get the streaming to work remotely. For reference I changed my TCP and HTTP Ports to 85 and 86 but still no dice. Can log on, but get blank or Quicktime logo buffering screens instead of video. All comments and feedback appreciated.
  2. simon69

    remote access problems

    i have exactly the same problem! CCTV streams fine within my intranet, but not over internet! I am using a Thomson router and I have port forwarded successfully, at least I think i have! I have set ports 85 and 86 on the "H264 Network DVR" Chinese Cheapie that I have as the TCP and HTTP ports, I forward the range 85-86 on the modem, I can connect to them on my laptop, but only see the Quicktime logo! When I click the play buttons, the mini screens go blank : ( help??