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Everything posted by Schorsch63

  1. Hi everyone, I want to realise a multicasting-stream of a simple analog (Cam)-videosignal... The quality and the framerate could be lower as usual... and I don't need neither sound, nor motiondetection, nor remote, nor controlling of that cam- or videosignal from a terminal... just screening that videostream... if possible, without too much latency... Finally it should be possible to share that videostream via WLAN/WIFI to many Mobile-Devices (Smartphones, Tablets) Maybe this could be realized by a connected multicast-able-router (like the dualband FritzBox 3490) The router produces a stable local Hotspot... The delivered stream from the Encoder has a static multicast-IP-adress... After entering that IP-adressin in the mobile-phones browser, the video is visible... Is that possible? or do you have any (other) idea(s)? thanks a lot in advance with best regards from Germany Juergen