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Everything posted by name264

  1. name264

    Password hd 264 digital video reset

    thanks zaheertaj for your answer, however i can enter just 6 numbers not 8, thus i try "888888" ? Besides I have tried "000000" but it doesn't work
  2. Hello, I need help I have forgotten my password on my hd 264 digital video reset.. So when I want to go in the menu I have a window with "ID Product : 000000" and password and I can enter obvisouly just 6 numbers. I tried "000000" or "123456" besides I test the password with the date for example : "25-07-2015 18h45" the password sould be "072518" or "250718" but it doesn't work. So, do you have any ideas ? the manuals : http://www.geomweb.com/dvr/EN-6404V,6408V%20%20User%20Manual%20%28English%29.pdf (p11 for the screen login) and a screen : http://upload.ecvv.com/upload/Product/20103/China_H_264_digital_video_recorder20103191612447.JPG thanks in advance !