tried getting ftp working all day today, and finally come to a dead end.
long story short i have:
-a hosted ftp server (cloud)
-i have my DVR currently in my DMZ(thought what the hay after opening most ports)
-DVR sits behind a router and has an assigned IP
-Managed to get email alerts & web viewer working (win 10,ie11)
-Tested ftp server via fz - all works
-still struggling with phone app - but not that bothered about that at the mo!
-little to no logging available on router or dvr (none useful)
Available fields are on dvr ftp setup are:
-server url (using the addess of the ftp server)
-user id (for the ftp server)
-ftp directory (leaving blank for default, tried specifying without success)
-password (using ftp password)
any help greatly appreciated, as techwin support is non existent for end users!