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Everything posted by scliff

  1. I don't see anyplace - but if you have an idea, I will try.
  2. I have a Sannce or Annke system that I access via xmeye. I used to be able to see all 6 cameras on the website, but now I can only see one at a time. Is this a bandwidth problem or maybe I changed a setting? Also alerts for motion go off too often. Should I set sensitivity to Lower or Higher to try and correct.
  3. Nope - I used to be able to click on square 2 and then a camera and get that camera to present in that square. But something happened and that doesn't work any more.
  4. Yes - my issue is with NetSurveillance via IE. I used to be able to see all 6camera in the tiles at one time. Now I can only see 1 camera in the top right tile, although I can change which camera presents in that tile. I attached a doc showing what I mean. Thanks for the info on the sensitivity - I'll try that