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Everything posted by jumrose

  1. jumrose

    Need help with avtech h.264 hdd

    Guys my CCTV has stopped working again. I fixed it and it worked for half a day and then it started doing the same. rebooting rebooting rebooting again and again, and now finally it says no hdd and now its not rebooting anymore and not recording as well. Anyone with same problem who has fixed it? Please help.
  2. Hi i bought my Avtech H.264 dvr from ebay 2 years ago. It has 1TB hdd installed in it. Its a 16 channel recorder. It has been working fine even though always running on low disk space. But recently it just stopped working after beeping and restarting it self few times. Now it just says NO HDD on top. And everytime i restart it just starts to SCAN DISK, goes to 3% and then restarts again. so i bought new hdd thinking that maybe HDD is gone. This time i bought 4TB hdd. But when i installed it on my dvr still says NO HDD. so its not even detecting that HDD. But it does show the cameras. Then i bought new internal two cables which were attached to hdd from mother board and power supply. Internal power cable i got the wrong one cos the face is different and it wont go in. But i think power cable is fine as my both hdd powers up. I really dont know whats going on. Do i need to format new hdd before i install it? I dont even know how to format because my dvr wont even detect hdd. And from computer i'm not sure.Please help guys cos i have no ideas . And there is no cctv repair shop around my area too. thanks regards
  3. jumrose

    Need help with avtech h.264 hdd

    oh no. i just wasted my money on hdd,i should have checked before i bought it. Thanks anyway buddy. thanks for your help.
  4. jumrose

    Need help with avtech h.264 hdd

    Hi, thanks for your reply. Mine is Avtech MDR759ZB-E. Since i posted here i have managed to make my old drive work again. My old drive is 1tb. but i would love to use my new one which i bought it for bloody £84 lol. But it wont work. I have formatted it but my dvr just simply refuses to detect it. Like you said maybe my dvr cant handle 3Tb hd.But i don't know where to find out from? Do you have any ideas? thanks