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Everything posted by negrusti

  1. negrusti

    recovering videos from DVR HDD

    Please share the sample DAT file if possible. I am pretty sure I can convert them.
  2. negrusti

    Possible to mount a DVR HDD

    Yes, there is a way with specialized software. You can PM me if it is still needed.
  3. There is another way through DVR forensics/recovery software, but it will not be worth it in your case. A few DVR manufacturers provide an utility to read HDD from the recorder on the PC; you might want to check about yours.
  4. negrusti

    DVR HDD problems

    Sometimes this problem is caused by the power adapter not supplying enough current due to age or malfunction. You can check the HDD in your computer, no problems, if you don't need the previous recordings.
  5. negrusti

    Help Getting Footage Onto Computer

    Can extract it directly from the internal HDD. Sent you a message
  6. Super simple Obtain Sec24 Media Player, open your SNX file, click on Pause go to the folder %AppData%\Sec24 Media Player (%AppData% refers to hidden AppData\Roaming folder in the User directory) you will see a folder tempFile..., go into it inside you will find .wav and .snx files, copy them into new directory you can close Sec24 Media Player now in the new directory, rename .snx files to .asf open .asf files with VLC (Media Player might not play them out of the box)
  7. Whatever you do - do not cut off the female socket! I would mount the camera on top of a bigger plastic mounting box, perhaps using the long screws piercing the second box from the original mount holes
  8. negrusti

    Going round in circles.

    Sorry to say but your files are empty, filled with 0xFF pattern. Something went wrong with that copying to USB. Video is probably still retrievable from the recorder' HDD.
  9. negrusti

    Going round in circles.

    Hi, can you upload one of these files somewhere, then I will be able to check it.
  10. negrusti

    Time Stamp loss when Backed up

    That's interesting enough to investigate. Can I have a sample file from your thumb drive please?
  11. negrusti

    Honeywell HRDP Help

    Hi, can you send me a firmware, perhaps in PM, or upload it somewhere?
  12. negrusti

    BCS-NVR0401E - Foto & Video copy

    Why not use SmartPSS software that comes with the recorder?
  13. EverFocus proprietary format has been reversed and the footage recovered. If someone else need details, please PM.
  14. negrusti

    Merge DVR Cam Videos to single quadview

    You can try to use VLC mosaic feature: https://wiki.videolan.org/Mosaic/ It is a better approach than merging into one file
  15. negrusti

    Pinetron PDR-XM4016 disk repair issue

    Use the units with the UPS to make sure it is not a power stability problem; see if the problem remains.
  16. That can be caused by bad RAM in the recorder or in the computer, try another one to download and check the files
  17. Here are your converted files: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/18246184/Video1.asf https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/18246184/Video2.asf https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/18246184/Video3.asf Why the quality in the original files is so bad? Is it the highest setting?
  18. Your multi-camera files are of ASF container type as well, but codec is marked as SNX, let me see what I can do about it.
  19. Received, give me some time to play with it
  20. If you have single-camera SNX files, just rename them into .asf and they will play fine with VLC player. Codec is MP4, therefore Windows Media Player (being the lousiest of them all) does not play it out of the box. https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/316992 If you have multi-camera SNX files, can I have a sample please?
  21. negrusti

    Clinton DVR file recovery

    Sending HDD is not necessary. Need a small raw sample to identify the format and then it can be done remotely or even on the offline system in your company.
  22. Upon a further investigation, I can see that SNX are actually standard ASF format files with multiple video streams. Writing a converter is not even necessary, can use existing tools.
  23. I took a look at the structure of SNX files and ready to write a a converter on the cheap that will output separate MP4 files, one per channel.
  24. Is it possible to get a sample file? Something non-sensitive, of course
  25. negrusti

    Clinton DVR file recovery

    If you still have the HDD I believe I can help you, please PM.