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Everything posted by moosa1991

  1. moosa1991

    AHD cctv problem HELP!!

    Hello all im new to this if ive done this wrong im sorry Ive just got some AHD cctv camera's they look good and cost a bit they are from MVPower Model: AHD-a6100B When i plug them into my dvr system i get no signal i plugged them into my monitor and got the same so thought ok great time to update to a AHD dvr system I got a MVPower dvr system as the company said this will work with AHD cctv camera's so i paid the money for it now im getting the same problem with this new DVR system NO SIGNAL ive just had to order another dvr system with 4 camera's AHD with the dvr system just to see if it is the dvr system the ccamera's or what the thing is tho this is doing it with 4 camera's saying no signal this is costing me more and more money but im not getting any were at all and its getting annoying i need help to get this working the company is trying to help but it takes over a day for a reply Thank you
  2. moosa1991

    AHD cctv problem HELP!!

    Hello yes i know lol im just on a budget atm i have 1000tvl camera up atm but they are not clear enough so thought of upgrading to AHD they may be cheap but as long as it does its job it will be fine i will upgrade to a better system but its just money wise atm
  3. moosa1991

    AHD cctv problem HELP!!

    Hello thank you i had a feeling it was not AHD ready at all ive just got this 1 as well http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/181781879894?_trksid=p2060353.m2749.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT which comes with 4 AHD camera's as well and states its AHD ready which shud mean it will work i will send this 16 channel dvr system back
  4. moosa1991

    AHD cctv problem HELP!!

    Hello the dvr system is a tv-7616HE its checked the settings as it says it needs to be on D1 Settings its got CIF GIF HD1 D1 and im in the UK i got it from ebay they was ment to be from the UK but it looks like its coming from china but it takes 2 days delivery so think its a company in the UK just selling them