Hello all im new to this if ive done this wrong im sorry
Ive just got some AHD cctv camera's they look good and cost a bit they are from
MVPower Model: AHD-a6100B
When i plug them into my dvr system i get no signal
i plugged them into my monitor and got the same so thought ok great time to update to a AHD dvr system
I got a MVPower dvr system as the company said this will work with AHD cctv camera's so i paid the money for it
now im getting the same problem with this new DVR system NO SIGNAL
ive just had to order another dvr system with 4 camera's AHD with the dvr system just to see if it is the dvr system the ccamera's or what the thing is tho this is doing it with 4 camera's saying no signal
this is costing me more and more money but im not getting any were at all and its getting annoying
i need help to get this working the company is trying to help but it takes over a day for a reply
Thank you