Hey everyone! I just made a account here, but I've always been reading on this site.
The problem:
The web-interface works, but the stream FREEZES. Every 3-4 minutes the stream gets updated in the form of a 5 sec video in near-realtime and afterwards it freezes again for 3-4 minutes. Also when I log-in on my phone (Samsung Galaxy S6) the same happens with the stream as on my desktop.
Here's what I've done:
The thing is, I got 4 security camera's connected to an 10Moons 8 channel DVR (1st 4 channels are used by me). The DVR has it's own web-interface to show the images of the 4 camera's.
I assigned the DVR an static IP and forwarded the following ports on my router:
HTTP: 81
Server: 8001
Mobile: 5800
I have tried forwarding other ports but it with no good results. I have checked every setting on my DVR regarding intervals and found none. I also tried the following webbrowsers:
- Internet Explorer 11 and compatability mode enabled
- Latest chrome, opera & Edge Browser (Windows 10 webbrowser)
- Safari on my iPad Air, Chrome & Samsung Browser on my Galaxy S6
I have effectively an internet speed of 6Mbps (I suppose it should be enough for one camera-stream for testing, right?)
My Router is: ZyXel P-2812HNU-F1
I will go to my other home soon with my DVR and one camera and test it there on the network. It has an high-end router and I got 1Gbps Fiber Optics there.
Now I am running out of options. Can anyone help me?