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Everything posted by kzziboy

  1. kzziboy

    Camera Compatibilty

    I'm in the USA. NTSC should be what I need.
  2. kzziboy

    Camera Compatibilty

    i have one of those cheap $200 chinese security camera h.264 network dvrs from ebay. What type of cameras are compatible with it. The system works fine. I just want better cameras. What can I buy? Are there certain ones that just won't work? When shopping what should I look for in compatibilty? I'd like the highest resolution available and perhaps one that can zoom in a bit. Thanks for the suggestions!!
  3. kzziboy

    Camera Compatibilty

    So would this camera work? It says HD in the description, but is it? http://www.ebay.com/itm/121616722038?_trksid=p2060353.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT
  4. kzziboy

    Camera Compatibilty

    I'm sorry. For some reason was thinking 8 channels. Yes. How do you tell if they're analog? What types should I avoid so I don't accidentally get one that isn't analog? Looking for suggestions on a higher resolution one. Can you go HD with an analog camera? I realize it's not an HD DVR, but will it work anyway? Maybe just a better quality? If not what do I look for in a higher resolution camera? More TV lines? I want something I can zoom in a little bit over a cash register.
  5. kzziboy

    Camera Compatibilty

    Here's the system I have. A Swann DVR "In a Box" from Walmart. Check pics. Came with the Swan ADS-180 Camera. So what types can I hook to this?
  6. kzziboy

    Camera Compatibilty

    That's just it. No big budget. There's 4 cameras on an 8 channel capable system. Three out of the 4 cameras really don't have that good of a picture. There's 1 that has a pretty good resolution. I'm not changing to a new system or ditching the dvr. My question is simply what are the best cameras to look for with this system. There's a whole host of possibilities for a low price on Ebay. No, they aren't the best, but they're pretty cheap. I'm looking for the best I can get with the existing system. I just want to be sure I don't get something that's incompatible.
  7. Hi, I have one of those cheap no name brand h.264 Network DVR systems. It's an 8 channel one. I can log in to the system over the internet on Internet Explorer from a home or laptop computer. However, I'm looking for an iphone app that I can use. What will work? I've downloaded scdvr from the app store. I just can't get logged in. I have the user name and password correct. I KNOW that for sure. Not sure on ports. Also I'm using a dynamic DNS i signed up for. It was a free one from noip.com Any help would be appreciated.