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Everything posted by bcole001

  1. Hi, I just purchased my first Hikvision TVI DVR. Working great, but I haven't found a software which will allow me to view both my new Hikvision DVR system and an already existing Cop-USA DVR Box (H.264) using the same program...which stinks. Does one exist? I've used BroView for iPhone but it doesn't work with Hikvision. Conversely I've used NVMS7000, but it doesn't work with the cop-isa DVR =( Help!! Thanks!
  2. That's what I'd like to do....view both locations (different brand DVRs) using one single app. Not even simultaneously, but just use the same app to access both live views. IP cam viewer pro will view cop-usa and hikvision?
  3. Ideally view live and recorded, but in a worst case scenario a PC program or Mac App that can view both live would be great.
  4. Actually both! Having to use separate applications for each system and it stinks.