Hello, I just installed a new home security camera system and I'm trying to figure out what kind of UPS to buy for the system. Does it have to be an "audio/video" type UPS or will a regular type UPS work fine? Does it have to be a "Pure Sine Wave" PSU and how do I determine what size of one I need, for example: 500va/300watts or 1000va/800watts? This is one I found on Amazon: Night Owl Security BB-86AH Battery Backup System, does anyone know anything about this particular PSU?
My system is a SANNCE 8CH 960H DVR 8x 900TVL 42LEDs w/IR Cut 110ft Superior Night Vision Outdoor Video Surveillance CCTV Camera System with a Western Digital 2TB Hard Drive.
There are a total of three plug-in "transformers." Two of them are 12V2A DC and the third one is DC 12V/500ma, not sure if this factors in determining how big a PSU I should buy?! Any help with these questions is greatly appreciated, thanks.