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Everything posted by PHVideo

  1. PHVideo

    Can not access DVR with public IP

    Hi, Assuming you have HH5 go into the hub settings >advanced (enter password and continue to advanced settings) >firewall>manage games and applications>add a new game or application> type a name eg: CCTV copy existing change to 'no' Protocol 'any' then enter the ports you need 8080 to 8080 click add then repeat for any additional ports required and apply when finished click on port forwarding again at the top of page game or application should be 'CCTV' and device should be user confined and enter the address of your DVR. Click apply and test your ports on http://www.yougetsignal.com/tools/open-ports/ You know that unless you have a static IP you will have to setup an dynamic dns account to keep the IP updated. But my instructions should help you open the ports needed Hope this helps. P.
  2. Hello everyone, I'm a newbie here so please be gentle.. I have setup a DVR on a network for remote viewing, it works well but there is a problem where it kills the wireless on the clients phone, as soon as I unplug the cable his WiFi connects again. The DVR is setup with a static IP and port forwarding configured and I can connect remotely via his DNS name, but the DVR is choking the wireless on his phone as well as using a large amount of bandwidth and slowing his internet connection down. I should mention that there are other devices connected to the wireless network such as a laptop and they work fine with or without the DVR connected. The broadband provider is SKY. Has anyone come across this before or any ideas how to fix it? Thanks Paul.
  3. PHVideo


    hello all, my name is Paul and I am a cctv installer from Ireland