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  1. pondbargains

    I need help

    Yes, in the UK, sunny South Wales. It may suprise most, but these people are mostly active during the day when I am at work and my elderly neighbour is home alone, but 'night vision' would be a welcome addition. The trouble with nightvision, using IR to enhance the image, is that it doesn't work through glass, I believe that is the case anyway, and these cameras are located indoors pointing outwards. The main problem is budget, as you can tell from the setup. In a strange way I'm proud of the fact that it's the cheapest setup you've heard of!! lol At this moment in time I cannot afford 4 cameras that cost £200+ each and my neighbour can afford even less (pensions are pitiful in the UK). I fear that for every question I answer you experts will have 5 more questions for me, so please be patient
  2. pondbargains

    I need help

    Hello all. I need help. Let me explain the situation. I live in 1 of 2 houses being targetted by local yobs and druggies who live in the 3rd house. I have been asked by house no.2 to setup a CCTV system. I've started but am not 100% satisfied. The system. Please don't laugh. 1st PC has a program called Crime Catcher set to motion detection with 1 Creative Optia Live AF USB webcam and 1 wireless camera with DLY on the receiver connected to the PC via a KWorld adaptor. 2nd PC has the same software but with a Trust WB-5400 USB webcam connected to it. My main gripe is with the software, I need something that can capture JPEGs from more than one source at a time and whose 'mask' feature works better, this one seems to have a mind of its own, also tech support is almost non-existant. Also, if you're aware of better cameras, please advise. The areas being monitored are outside, but the cameras are inside. Any help with software or hardware would be appreciated. Many thanks, Welshie