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Everything posted by lam123

  1. Hi, I forgot my password and would like to reset it. I have a new Dahau HDCVI. I tried to telnet to the dvr but it complains and says unable to. How do I reset my password? Please help
  2. lam123

    Dahua Forgot Password - Telnet ?

    So I managed to find the password stored on smart PSS, it is hashed though, any idea on how to recover it? Thanks
  3. Hi, Did you guys manage to find out how to reset the password? I have a Dahau HDCVR and I tried to be clever and change all the passwords but forgot it now I tried downloading the app and took the code and entered it into admin and it did not work. http://ixnfo.com/sbros-parolya-v-videoregistratorah-dahua.html#comment-6371 Any idea why?