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  1. yes i said it is going to a dedicated partition 2 TB big and that 1.67 TB of it is free
  2. the recording is actually taking 345 GB of space for 1 day i am using the vivotek recording system i was looking for the correct configuration to keep track of multiple days on this software because i wasn't sure i got it right i might add more HD or NAS for now i would like to make sure that's the right config on the snapchot i shared earlier thanks
  3. hi i added cameras compared to before i now have 33 cameras and looking to add 5 more probably i am recording to the server on a 2 TB dedicated partition (1.67 TB of it is free) PS plz see pic attached thanks
  4. Hi i just upgraded from vivtoek ST7501 to Vast and lost my recording settings before i could see for each camera 5 days of recording now it is only one day can you please help me set it up to keep track of 5 days in the recording ? thank you