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  1. I'm a mama bear and wife needing to protect my home and surrounding property (5 acres) from some pretty underhanded people that seem to fear nothing and no one and due to a few recent events it's time to put eyes everywhere... After hours and hours of research both on here and the general interwebz, I am more confused than I was when I started. I know we need at least 6 cameras, probably 8 because I'm sure I'll want more once I start. If possible, a couple of them should be very discreet. The most important feature being extremely high definition night vision and ability to record. Needs to be able to stand harsh weather as it can reach temps of -45 Celsius. Not sure if this is vital info but we run a Mac PC and both have android phones. Money is not really an issue but I'd like to stay 'reasonable' as we will be moving in the next year and I assume leaving the system/ incorporating a new system into our new build. Thanks!