Sequtec g65 Service manual?
Avue Sequtec g65-sb36n
The compass degrees count up when panning left instead of right. East is 270 instead of 90.
Is there a way to invert this? Also temp is C the manual shows a menu item to switch but it dosent show up in my cameras menu.
Hi All!
I purchased a new old stock camera off Ebay for $75.00 which is a great deal for a 320 degree per second dome camera with 36x optical zoom.
That is if it works.
After hooking it up I found that the remote control was not quite working right.
I got some money back.
It has an RS485 issue. It acts like one of the protection diodes or components has opened up in the base where the RS485 signal enters the board but all the components I checked seem good.
I need a AVUE Sequtec g65-sb36n service manual.
I have the owners manual.
A pin out for the camera to base connector would be helpful sans the manual. I could at lease determine if the problem is in the base or the camera.
The Green LED indicator on the base flashes properly when I send commands from the controller and the camera sometimes responds but it seems like the signal is weak and barely getting through.
Sometime the camera will receive and execute a command but not get the stop command when the controller button is release and it will continue to rotate.
I need a schematic so I can scope the RS485 and determine where the problem is. I have ordered a new base to throw at the problem.
If you have worked on this camera before I would love any tips you can give me.
Sequtec g65 Service manual?
Avue Sequtec g65-sb36n
The compass degrees count up when panning left instead of right. East is 270 instead of 90.
Is there a way to invert this? Also temp is C the manual shows a menu item to switch but it dosent show up in my cameras menu.