Model Unknown.
Label on side
X12 6mm~70mm 1:1.2
Made in Japan.
A Plastic plug covers the access to two trim pots AP and LH to the right of the label.
My query is wiring up the cable. Don't need the Iris as the camera as the wire running to the camera (Red, Black & White).
The other cable has the following colours.
Red, Blue, Yellow, Black, Brown, Grey, White & Green.
This is a second hand unit and the green wire has been strapped back on the lead as if it isn't needed.
I had the cover off and noted the panel is marked as a SEIKO product.
Three motors inside plus some micro switches.
Front Motor (assumed focus) controls front lens.
wires coloured Black, White and Red - looped to Zoom motor.
Next Motor Assumed ZOOM, controls the second ring.
wires Grey, Yellow, Brown and red (looped to previous)
IRIS last ring
Red and Black wires
Any help and advice appreciated. Any idea of the maker / brand ?