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Everything posted by dogsbelly

  1. dogsbelly

    Going round in circles.

    Sorry for the late reply, and thank you for looking at them for me. I will see if i can obtain another usable copy from his hard drive. Thanks again. Rob
  2. Hello, Im struggling to view 4 files from cctv, my friend had taxi bump into his car and a neighbour copied the footage on to a usb stick. i have the files and they obviously wont play (raw avi) ive searched forums tried swan offline player, avi generator. tried using the original software from the website (aost.cn) the cam screen comes up but cant open the files from there. Tried the android eseenet+ to load the files but cant find where to put the files (tried dcim/videos and the videorecord folder, even checked the android data folders none show up in the app). Ive searched and tried other peoples suggestions but not working for me. The unit is a H.View (model TK-D4C2 (Pal H.264 HD)) Ive used media view, Video inspector, GSpot all come up blank, Assuming it because it raw video? Any help is greatly appreciated! Thank you.
  3. dogsbelly

    Going round in circles.

    There you go, https://tusfiles.net/ubbrrbckoolw https://tusfiles.net/jkm7oel2iva2 https://tusfiles.net/wmbcvl0uvuua https://tusfiles.net/19p05ntjg901 Thanks again.
  4. dogsbelly

    Going round in circles.

    Vlc wont touch them, its the 1st thing i use (prefer it) just error cant identify audio or video codec ( i have k-lite installed up to date) I will upload and post link when done. Thanks.