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Everything posted by VST_Man

  1. VST_Man

    Acti TCD-2100

    yep, I just found that out. Acti could have done better and kept it usable via any PTZ with the software to support. It's an expensive "window" that I can't use. Sending it back. I use Exacq and it would not allow me to setup a PTZ for that device. Going to try a M7001 from Axis......
  2. Any tips on installing IP cams into desert areas? I'm looking at the Dotworkz enclosures and then modifying them with my own fans. Thermoelectric looked like a good project if I get time. Any good IP cams available that can withstand high heat without adding special enclosures? I figure I'd buy a small freezer and mount it to poles and then mount the IP camera to them
  3. VST_Man

    Unable to add IP camera to Aver Nano

    make sure user name and password are correct and/or reset them. I've been 100% positive I had it right but duh........I am human!
  4. VST_Man

    Unable to add IP camera to Aver Nano

    I am one of Rory's original disciples
  5. VST_Man

    Unable to add IP camera to Aver Nano

    did you setup the Arecont with the AV100 software? After you set it up did you power cycle the Arecont? Every Arecont I've setup had to be setup first (Installed) and then power cycled for the DVR to see it. Also, if you can get into the Arecont via http, go into the network settings and make sure your IP address and ect. are all correct........then save to flash, reboot.
  6. I am looking for a Quad processor that has loop & VGA outputs. Any help is appreciated..............tnx
  7. VST_Man

    Avermedia & Win7

    yes I am. also just updated the 1008 dvr to the latest and now it reloads Internet Explorer active X when going from the 1008 to the 6480e.In other words, the (2) are obviously different since IE reloads it each and everytime you switch from one to the other. Go Aver media! Another well tested release.
  8. VST_Man

    Avermedia & Win7

    6000 series, Aver with the red e. I'm running the 6480e card.
  9. VST_Man

    Avermedia & Win7

    Thanks to all for the replies. I'm after cleaning up the little things that Aver continues to overlook. If Aver actually listened and possibly asked someone like myself to install and test firmware I'd do it to help but.............it's thier product. I still like Aver but everytime I think they released a fixed version it tuns out to be a better looking one with more bugs. Thanks again.
  10. VST_Man

    Avermedia & Win7

    updated to 127, the resluts are pretty much the same. some pc's will run it, some won't, issues are many. - remote console loads and shows video but all the gui's are grayed out. - 127 loads with IP camera patch 106 even though 111 is out? - remote console dl under 6480e is linked to another file? - remote console link/dl is old.....Oct 2011 Concerning the 1000 series - nice box, but, you can't use the isetup tools to do remote config. so if your planing on remoting that nice little fanless box to somewhere nice and lonely, you'd better make sure it's setup right the first time. - no snapshot feature under email alert. just a email. Avermedia is a good low budget solution, but, the methods in which they develope software to support the platforms sold is beyond me. - Do they test it before they relese it or do they consider us the test? - IP camera patches are also a mess. newer ones causes issues with older camera's. I bounce around patches to get the combo I can live with. - tech support is almost a waste of time 5108/6108 series - don't buy it. they suck! The 100 series is better. Aver advertise them as 8 channel hybrid but I just sent back a unit I had 8 IP camera's on it and it melted it....sorta. kept crashing. It's junk in my book. I ordered (2) 1004's to replace it. I know they work. Again, if your low budget...Aver is fine, but, you'll be the front line tech support and problem solver. If you have a budget, get Video Insight or another Coorporate level system as the quality software & support is worth the money spent. Aver, if your listening, you need to collector your multiple software developers and ask them to talk to each other. It's obvious that the software releases are not well developed or tested. But, my guess is that your plan was for us to test it from the begining since I've seen this complaint time and time again and you've continued down that road based on sales numbers alone. Just a update. If you don't agree.........explain to me how to overcome the issues above.
  11. VST_Man

    Avermedia Apps

    I did figure out why my Remote Console login had a odd looking (compressed) look to it. The Display settings were set to 110% and once I changed it to 100% (Default) the login looks fine now. It had also effected my DirectDraw and viewing recorded video....neither worked. After I set the display to default all was happy. I still have a issue with the language error message on a few PC's but I suspect those will have to wait for PC replacement. The new android apps works great now...............outside the fact that I have to press the Login button 10,000 times to get it to enguage. How funny is that? Guy who wrote the software must have tiny skinny fingers. Hay Avermedia.........put this "fix" into your FAQ's. You should have figured this one out months ago.
  12. VST_Man

    Audio problem over internet

    good luck "with the next version".........Aver has been slow to react to the Win7 issues and that is a huge statement for me out here. Obviously they can't figure it out and that good ole promise is a year old now
  13. VST_Man

    Audio problem over internet

    try enabling audio on the channels. I had a ssue with audio on a Aver and I could not figure it out so I started enabling audio on channels without mics and got the noise out. Noise I had over the network was a rumbling type. Might work? also, if it is a IP network cam, try throttling the camera max rates down and then test the audio. I had chhoppy audio with a few IP network cams and I had to throttle the video down for the audio to clear up. Network was running fine and had lots of room to grow so it was not a issue.
  14. VST_Man

    Avermedia & Win7

    avers failure with Win7 is an example of something they know about but won't address/fix. it should not be this hard.............and if it is then it's time to move to easier software/DVR hardware. I just had another client call and ask why his win7 won't run right....duh! and the new android app is bad.......displays all the analog cams but won't show the IP cams.....odd? but, the previous app worked fine. I wish I could reverrt! oh, maybe it works if you run it as admin, tweak 10 settings, and then pray as it loads? Aver needs to fix it or they will loose more confidence from us. I've offered aver my dvr to test with, look at, and whatever they want and they just don't try. That tells me it's time to go somewhere else.......I'm tired of being treated like a "subject". I've purchased many aver products in the past and some are starting to show wear and require upgrades.....too bad for Aver as I won't buy it anymore....I can't spend all my time answering client questions. oh well, I've been in the biz for 8 years and I've seen them come and go.......
  15. VST_Man

    Avermedia Apps

    I've been installing Aver for years and this is the first issue I've run into that Aver admits but has no answer for. Tech support actually told me that it happened to them and that they don't know why.......which I can live with as long as they fix it. But, until more start using Win7 this won't be a isue.......but it will become one What OS are you sing? Try it with Win7..............it's a PITA
  16. VST_Man

    Avermedia Apps

    mine will display some IP cams and others not via remote? Good luck with Aver and support. Unless your BIG and have 1000 clients calling Aver..they won't try to fix it. Aver support is extremely happy to answer the phone but they have yet to conquer, or even care to conquer, the last few issues I've had with the recent "updates". Most times the tech support will tell me that they can't do anything about it, it's another department that handles that, ect. If it's a operator malfunction they are quick to let ya know your stupid.
  17. VST_Man

    Avermedia & Win7

    Aver is slipping. In the past they were the ones to keep pace with. The new 4 & 8 channel series are pretty nice but they skimped on some features that the older stuff had. ie. able to include 3 snapshots with the email as sent via alarms. I wish Aver would stop reading these posts and actually answer up as to what they plan on doing to fix it? But, sooner or later they will becasue as mor complain................they will react to save face. One thing i this industry. All manufactures AND resellers never admitthat thier baby is ugly. They always redirect and hod off. The actual users are the test beds and how the users react to new products is how they react. We are in a reaction type market that is driven by consumers thirst for more better stuff. If it odn't work with Win7 at the time of release they can always fix it later, right? I will also hold off on any purchases until I get my system working like it should. I can't sell it knowing that a potiential bug is lurking in the shadows. TomCCTV.....Rory has a extremely long and proven record on this forum. Lay off on trying to point out smaller issues. Nobody gets paid zip on this forum and you need to chill. Rory has helped many way before your time so you'd be best to be a part of the solution and not a part of the problem. A USMC Commandant was quoted saying that.....so there! Makes sense, eh?
  18. VST_Man

    Avermedia & Win7

    iphone works great......app is view only and hopefully that will be improved. Aver will fix it I am just surprised that they have not addressed this yet. I guess this is an example of different technologies that are moving forward but neight waits for the other. I also contacted Aver with "some" help but no specific fix or even worse, no projected fix. Hopefully they get it in for updating and the interface works better. I don't have a fix nor have the ones listed here worked.
  19. VST_Man

    Avermedia & Win7

    I'm not trying to slam aver, but, this is a dell i5 new and it did not workie firstie timeeee. Had I built this pc and wrote the software........sure, it be my personal problem pc. but, I just connected just like my clients like to and it was not "easy" or "pretty". I'm just trying to help aver see it.......before it backfires and I start to buy different dvr's...... I have 3 pc's right ow that all have the language popup problem.......so the 10 minute fix is now 30 minutes...... I'm going to do some nascar....................thanks to all for your help. I'm not sure how to fix it............or if it can be fixed. Ive unloaded, reloaded, remove webcamx, and more and it's not happy. I do get a video screen so it does 80% of what I need it to do. ya ya?
  20. VST_Man

    Avermedia & Win7

    Tom, THERE IS NO ACTIVEX removal tool. You sent me instructions from Mircosoft but those are for not for a Win7 pc. Removal Tool? You make that sound like there is a Avermedia exe program ready to run........if there is one I can'r find it. Seen it before? Call aver and tell them so they can get this in the "fix". They acted like I my problem was new and that they had no clue? How do I remove ActiveX manually? Aver told me to delete the webcamX file in downloads........then log back onto the server to reinstall all. I'm a teamview ready to go if anyone wants to try this without my attitude:)
  21. VST_Man

    Avermedia & Win7

    the language in regedit was a 9...........weird
  22. VST_Man

    Avermedia & Win7

    any idea why I get the lnguage error?
  23. VST_Man

    Avermedia & Win7

    Rory, thanks..........I'll see where it takes me. I ran the averlite real quick and it gives me a connect server fail so I'll need to copy the files into proper folders? Remote counsel works fine except for the initial login "network" popup....the icons overlap each other....I tried all my resolutions but still loads that way. your averlite is fine on all screen shots. Tom....I reaallly know all that stuff. I CHOOSE port 80 and it works on iphone & android because I program them on port 80 also.....not that hard to port around, if ya know what I mean. I think the biggest issues is the language pack error I get when I run IE. This also pops up when I use Remote Counsel and try to view the log file.......error won't go away. and I CAN't download RC from IE because of this error...... The ???? issue is gone.............
  24. VST_Man

    Avermedia & Win7

    I can set it to any port I want.....and it works fine.
  25. VST_Man

    Avermedia & Win7

    port 80 on http..all the normal aver ports.