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  1. That's what I've been fearing... it seems the WiFi is a major issue for dedicated DVRs. WiFi is quite useful when your cameras are a good distance from your home or business! If I dig a couple trenches to run Ethernet cables and get rid of the WiFi, how do my options for a high-quality (performance, reliability, and simplicity are extremely important) dedicated DVR to take advantage of my Sharx cameras (they work WiFi or wired) look then? Thanks!
  2. Hello, I'm interested in moving from a PC-based (actually, OS X-based) DVR to a dedicated DVR, for reasons of performance, reliability, and simplicity. I currently use a variety of Sharx WiFi cameras outside. Are there any dedicated DVR solutions that would accept third-party WiFi cameras like Sharx? I have asked AvertX and their DVRs do not support this. In addition to having a nice dedicated DVR (hopefully one that accepts my Sharx cameras), I would like to have a couple dedicated viewing stations. Thanks for the advice!