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  1. Is there a forum dedicated to the use of android cell phones as security cameras?
  2. The scenario: I'm at home watching TV and I hear something outside.. I switch the TV input to HDMI to see the security system output. But I want full control of the security DVR. Here's some possibilities: 1. OLD STYLE DVR BELOW TV WITH IR CONTROL 2. IP DVR BELOW TV WITH USB MOUSE, VGA OUTPUT TO MONITOR 3. IP DVR BELOW TV WITH USB MOUSE, HDMI OUTPUT TO TV 4. IP DVR IN GARAGE CONTROLLED BY WIRELESS USB MOUSE, HDMI OUTPUT TO TV 5. IP DVR IN GARAGE CONTROLLED BY SMART TV, HDMI OUTPUT TO TV 6. IP DVR IN GARAGE CONTROLLED BY HOME COMPUTER, HDMI OUTPUT TO TV 7. IP DVR IN GARAGE CONTROLLED BY SMART PHONE, HDMI OUTPUT TO TV 8. IP DVR IN GARAGE CONTROLLED BY ANDROID MINI PC STICK ON TV HDMI PORT, HDMI OUTPUT TO TV 9. IP DVR IN GARAGE CONTROLLED BY ANDROID TABLET, HDMI OUTPUT TO TV Which of these approaches will work? Assume the DVR is hooked up to a wireless router. I'm thinking of installing something like the LaView LV-KDV2084W1 but what is the best way to control the DVR when I'm viewing the output on my TV? I'm especially interested in numbers 5 thru 9.