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Posts posted by RBraverman

  1. i just sent the link to you now.


    I just want to let you know.....ive worked with a lot of DVR's over the years and I must say that this is the worst one.


    The program frequently crashes and has no watchdog support.


    I would not recommend installing it for a client you want to keep.


    But it should be ok for personal use.


    It's the software? Hardware okay?


    I think I've got my 10 posts to PM - REALLY sorry for this all, saw no other way.

  2. Open the case side and take out one of the cards .. post a photo of that so we can see what it is. Dont touch the circuits, and touch the bare metal of the case to ground yourself before taking the card out; or buy a cheap anti-static wrist band.




    actually no need for this, i recognize this DVR.


    install windows 2000 or XP


    98 work? Less overhead.


    make the C: partition about 20GB

    when I get home I will PM you with the software required

    Ignore this

  3. Open the case side and take out one of the cards .. post a photo of that so we can see what it is. Dont touch the circuits, and touch the bare metal of the case to ground yourself before taking the card out; or buy a cheap anti-static wrist band.




    actually no need for this, i recognize this DVR.


    install windows 2000 or XP

    make the C: partition about 20GB

    when I get home I will PM you with the software required



  4. I am familiar with Opticom's DVRs but have not heard of the "P" model. Please provide more info about the capture card if possible.


    That's the problem, it's all-together and I don't have access to the brand of card.


    All I know is that there are 4 SEPARATE cards.


    I've tried to attach a pic of the rear - don't want to open until I know a bit more.


  5. I can get on of these very cheap, 3 HD's and 16 port, BUT (ain't there always...) no OS nor camera/card drivers/software.


    I'm assuming (semi-newbie here) that one stuffs Linux or Windows on it and then loads the software for the cards.


    But there's the rub, what software do these units use?


    Also, can one explain this: I've also got (given to me) a 16 port Kodicom card, but I see that only 4 are "real-time". What do the other 12 do?


    If that is a stupid question and there iis a FAQ or readme, by all means tell me where to go.

  6. Its reading off the hard drive, the hard drive is always a bottle neck in a PC system, if its old or going bad, it could take longer to read from it ..


    If its doing live video the same time you are trying to play back, that also affects the CPU. Do Ctrl-Alt-Del and check the CPU usage when you are doing that ... playing video still uses alot of CPU.


    I had a hard time playing back video on a 1.8Ghz the other day, even on a P4. 3.0Ghz while there is live video going and trying to playback the same time, it can be touchy .. Dual Core is the way to go really .. if you can afford it, the 2.4 Core 2 Duo


    PS. I have a 2 Ghz myself, had it for like 4 years now, had a DVR card in here with only 2 cameras on and off for a couple years, I always have to stop my recording (live video) when i want to play another movie, or it is jumpy.


    Lastly, XP on a 1Ghz is pushing it anyway, even on a 2Ghz it is slow.


    I disagree about the power - but I guess it's all relative - I've a lot of time to kill ...


    Anyway, is there a quick way to stop the recording? I'd like to see - with the recording stopped, how fast the dl would be.


    I still don't understand one thing, this should only be the TRANSFER of a defined set of data - NOT a full conversion (I'm backing up data, not an avi).

  7. Hi, firstly I would check with Kodicom or one of their system builders as they dont sell cards to end users. But more then likely its due to the PC system itself, 1Ghz CPU is very slow for Windows XP embedded or regular XP. Also, if the system is that old, it could be a bad hard drive also.


    I know the system is a bit old, runs XP Pro dandy, the HD's fine. I've assumed it's the speed of the 'server', so sometime in the next few days I'm going to put into a P4 and see.


    But I'm also thinking that it's not converting anything, but just picking out the hour I selected, so why would the computing power have anything to do with it?

  8. Ok, I'm new to THIS software, but not so much to security. I've a 16 port card and V4.110 of Kodicom and have 3 main problems:


    1. When I search remotely, it doesn't "fast forward", it'll skip through, but not FF as if sitting at the console.


    2. When selecting a hour's worth of backup DATA, it'll take close to 3x the time of the selected time frame to backup over a gigabit connection.


    3. On my desktop, the backup will stop randomly and never finish.


    These seem to be problems, any ideas?


    The "server" is a PIII/1 gig Celeron, with 512 meg memory.
