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  1. I live in suburban residential area in Southern California My home is on a street corner where we have a lot of pedestrian traffic (walking dogs, running, etc.) We also have a consistent flow of traffic. I want to have cameras monitoring our front door, street corner and perimeter of our yard due to a lot of teenagers in the area. Good night vision for at least 20-30 feet would be a benefit. Based on the research, I'd prefer to do wired PoE cameras vs. Wi-Fi and want to have good clarity and thinking about 4MB cameras. Is this accurate? In terms of Dome vs. Bullet - what is the difference and pros/cons? I have read several of the posts here and see some consistency in brands, but not sure were to shop. I've looked at the products offered by Costco and Sam's Club, as well as Fry's, but not many of those are mentioned in this forum. I'm just looking for a solid brand that will have a solid software solution and a fairly low maintenance setup. I also want to be able to check my phone via an app. Would appreciate any recommendations on brands / setups and looking to spend between $500 - $1000 for quality cameras and software that will last. Aside from the cameras, cable and DVR, what else will I need as part of this setup?