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  1. David448

    New house, cable questions...

    Yep, thats what I'm afraid of. Thats why if I do anything, I might try to coerce the electricians to do it.
  2. David448

    New house, cable questions...

    That one..... I'm not positive about. I've been tossing the idea around in my head quite a bit about whether or not to ask that question. Reason being: If I ask, he'll probably have to say no. If I don't ask, and just go out there one evening and do it.... they would probably never even know. I'm just not sure. I want a run to the master bath (like you mentioned), that is not in the original spec. So I would either have to add it after the house was finished (stupid) or do it myself. I'll know more once it starts happening. The electricians that will do the work sub contract for my spec home company. Perhaps a friendly conversation with the nice electrician the day the wiring goes in could yeild me some extra stuff. Just don't know.
  3. David448

    New house, cable questions...

    Thank you for the reply Scorpion. The Belden cable I've been looking at doesn't have a shield over all 4 seperate cables, but rather all 4 seperate cables joined in the middle via some sort of 'spine'. They can be pulled apart if the need be. This keeps the cable together as one. The fact that this cable is 'one' cable is the only way I'm able to get this approved through my contractor. The nature of buying the type of spec home I'm buying doesn't grant me the luxury of a custom build like what you may think. I more or less purchased a floor plan, and was able to customize my floorplan/house via several options they give you to choose from. This includes carpet color/make, cabinets, windows in your garage door etc. However, you cannot modify the base design at all. Period. In other words, having them add aditional runs to each room won't fly. Same goes with adding a panel for my network, running cables to any place that's not in the original spec etc. I can't make my garage bigger..... you simply can't modify the design at all. Trust me, if I could I would. Hell, I'd have them run wire for my camera's too! It may seem weird, but going this route is putting me in a very nice home, in a very nice neighborhood at a young age. This same type of setup in a 'custom built' home where "I" spec everything would have been multiples of thousands of dollars more. The builders are going to run cable to each room no matter what. This is in the default design spec. What I was able to do is convice the contractor to run a type of cable that I want to run. This was okay since they are already going to be running cable. Thanks for the reply. I'm excited to get into my new place and start adding electronic goodies to it
  4. Question on cabling. I'm having a spec house built, and I've spoken with the lead contractor. I can't make any changes to the house plans, so I can't have them add/change stuff, but one thing he did let me do is spec out the type of cable they use to cable my house. Each room (4) will get one cable ran to it, all of which will terminate in one spot that I plan on adding a panel to terminate everything in nice and neat. Rather than have them run a single RG6 cable to each room (default spec), I was thinking about having them run a quad cable. This will essentially kill several birds with one stone for me. I was thinking of having them run Belden 7913S cable to each room. This will give me 2 RG6 runs, and two Cat5 runs to each room, all via one "cable". If you Google Belden 7913S you can see the specs. Let me know your opinions on this. There are also cheaper versions of the same cables, is there a difference? Or should I stick with the Belden?
  5. David448

    Got illegal action on tape

    Not only the wide open camera in his direct view, but the fact that there is a car parked there. I couldn't imagine someone doing something like that unless he was POSITIVE nobody was home. Even if that car is there, everyday, in the same spot, it still should have thrown up a red flag to him.
  6. David448

    Got illegal action on tape

    Atta boy Scruit, that makes me happy to hear. I've been lurking around here on the forum and ran across your old thread with the video of that event. I almost registered just to post on that old thread to reply to the guy telling you to leave it alone and delete your video in fear of reprocussion from the Postal Service. That was BS. A Federal employee pisses on your property and you should be worried of getting in trouble? Pssshhhhhh Anyway, good job on doing the right thing. That is why you have your house secured.
  7. David448

    Got illegal action on tape

    So you haven't said anything to the mailman yet Scruit? I saw your video, that was BS. If nothing else, confront him with it and just politely say you don't appriciate people urinating on your personal property. Just the fact that you know will stun him. Then if he tries to give lip or deny it, point up at your camera.