Hi all - I'm a new building owner in Kansas City and I need some advice on a surveillance system for our outdoor Rear storage area. I'll try to provide the particulars below, and I appreciate your suggestions as I'm having trouble getting good local advice on a system.
I have a 220'x80' area located to the rear side of my building which I need to record)
The parking area runs parallel to the building (both are 220' wide)..
-The cameras would need to mounted on the building, I don't have a means of mounting cameras on the far side of the lot, the farthest straight distance is 80' from the building to the far edge, probable mounting height is ~18', vertical wall mount / no soffit or eave)
No existing system (starting from scratch) but wiring access is excellent.
Excellent lighting Near the building (first ~20' of depth), moderate ambiant lighting at the far (80' depth)..
- Night time recording/quality is Critical,
- The areas "near" the building/cameras (0-20') AND the "far" (60-80') areas are important to me (as these are the areas where our equipment is stored)..
- We are not "monitoring or manning" this surveillance (just recording for later viewing)
- Remote/IP access (although handy) is not that important to me (as we office in the building)
- Kansas City is a somewhat harsh climate (extreme hot/cold/rain/snow), (we would likely add a small shroud over the cameras to somewhat protect them from the direct elements) but durability is a factor.
I suppose the best "use case" of the system would be: "To see the face of someone breaking into one of our vans (at night) which was parked 70' from the building."
We had figured about $3,000 of Components
(So not a top tier system but also not an $800 Costco Special,).
1. Am I being realistic? (if not would I be better off starting with a Costco Special ?
2. (Assuming budget is ok),
- What Cameras and lenses would you recommend for this (I am ok with an alternating mix of dome/bullet types here to optimize coverage of the "near" and "far" areas / meet budget requirements)
- What brands / related models would you recommend for this application?
- (If no specific brand/model, what specs / features of the camera would be critical to the use case?)
- (I guess a better question is how many of each type of camera / what spacing intervals)
- I was thinking a DVR (or NVR) - nothing super fancy (but that HD/Zoom sure looks cool)...
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