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Everything posted by alovella

  1. alovella

    Escaa mini DVR help

    I have a Super mini NVR K-104 & have a sudden constant red flashing light. theirs nothing to suggest what it is, but what I do know is that it's been working faultlessly for 2 yrs then I've got nothing. no cams. just this annoying red flashing light. LAN lights are not lit either, so tried another cable but still nothing. is there a reset button or another way to reset as I cannot get system menu, so cannot do it through there. Help
  2. Ok, I've got 3 QD300 cctv cams. all work well. I can view cctv cams ONLY individually via xmeye but I cannot for the life of me get my Mini NVR to work via xmeye so I can view all cams via the nvr instead of idividually. Now, when I view the NVR'S mac address, it shows. . but, when I check my super hub (virgin) it shows a prope mac address? in relation to the nvr that is. but in the Mini nvr's menu it shows the mac address with all the zero's greyed out. I cannot change it or do anything with it. I'm confused, any help appreciated but in simple terms though as am a bit thick sometimes