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Everything posted by monnier

  1. Hi, I wonder if anyone can help me getting ptz to work. I got hold of 2 used Spectra III that have been connected to an ACti ACD-2100. Since the ACD-2100 was password protected I had to reset it. Now I can't figure out how to use PTZ on the camera. I can get picture. I've set the ACD-2100 to: 2400 Baud Port Control 8N1 I've connected the camera Rx+ to Acti Tx+ and Rx- to Tx- I have: Xprotect Go NVR3 Workstation and QNAP Surveillance Station I can get picture in all three but I can't figure out how to control the camera Can anyone help? Here is a picture on the switches on the camera when it was connected and working before the ACti reset: Thanks //Mikael Monnier