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Everything posted by KerryR

  1. Bullies target quiet, mind-your-own-business and keep-to-yourself type people. Dr Jean B. Healey, an expert on bullying (wwww.bullywatch.com.au) will tell you NEVER to give in to your bully. Your bully sounds remarkably like ours. To stop him standing on ladders etc watching us over our fence - for hours at a time! - WE have installed security cameras. It stopped him... leering at us but only in the areas where the cameras covered. He responded by screaming lies to the street, to the police, to the Neighborhood Dispute Resolution Center etc. Now him and a 'friend' have targeted the coffee shop where the local (Bundaberg) councilors visit - just so they have a new audience for their lies of woe and injustice. You just have to get used to people giving in to their lies and saying (to you) "After all you have done to poor [put name of bully here]..." After a while you look at the people listening to and supporting these bullies - and most are total fronts using these incidents, and respectability, to hide who they really are. Tailbone215 is one of these people. So too are councilors who can hinder your building permit arbitrarily or expedite doubtful projects of your bully neighbour. One of the bully supporters is a grandmother who molested her two boy grandchildren when they were young. Stand tall and don't give in to bullies. Please contact Jean the expert!