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Everything posted by menthas

  1. menthas

    cctv networking

    hi can anybody help I have a floureon 4ch cctv and wont to network it on my computer and iPhone I have watched a couple on utube starts of the same as mine then halfway through does something I havnt got on mine totally confused some one please help
  2. menthas

    cctv networking

    hi sorry misunderstood question my router is a virgin media super hub 2
  3. menthas

    cctv networking

    hi thanks for looking at my dilemma ive looked on the cctv and no model number but its got in version SYSTEM V4.02.R11.00031123.10001.1308
  4. menthas

    cctv dvr networking

    hi im a bit confused what network cat 5e cable do I use straight or crossover to connect router to my cctv dvr so I can get connected to the internet for remote viewing