So basically, I'm looking at setting up a basic CCTV system using a Raspberry Pi and an IP Camera so I can keep an eye on my motorbike and the parking in general.
However I've got a few questions and issues which I need to overcome.
Things to overcome.
1: I live in a flat (apartment for you guys over the pond)
2: I am not aloud to mount externally which means it's going to be mounted in a window sill in my bedroom.
3: I'm on a budget
What camera would you recomend? I need something that's Wireless IP based and is okay at night vision.
How would I mount it? I know the IR will be problematic unless I can eliminate the reflection. It's going to be behind a double glazed window.
What software would you recomend? I know Zoneminder does a software package for the Pi but are there any alternatives?