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  1. Hi, Would there be any reason not to run a power cable and take of at certain points power for using WiFi repeaters, using this method you should have no signal loss, nor have problem with regulation (LV/MVoltage) 1 repeater placed in a good location may be used for more than 1 camera and as a second consideration WiFI may have other uses for the owner, any long runs use cable when it suits it may be better than running cables due to losses in the cable
  2. binary

    Hello from Central Florida

    hi, have you ever considered a WiFi camera and battery with a solar charger, you can wifi direct into your home you will need a meaty battery because night use will use IR leds and they are power hungry(standard led 20mA IR led 50mA) and the WiFI are hungry when transmitting alternately for less power use wire back to the internet hub or wire back to the +VR ...binary
  3. Hi, can anyone advise on how to reset a Share-vision wireless P2P NVR model XF-1304S-W. I have just had a long and difficult time with upgrading to fibre broadband and phone after 12 months I have now got the phone and ordinary broadband, my problem stemmed from the internet company manager, who altered my password so now I dont have access (he denies changing it). My problem is the company Share-vision sent information on how to reset your password but it looks as though you need your original password to change. so my question is how can i interogate the NVR and retrieve the password or change it and any ideas on how to IP the box as i can no longer do that either. the box is not bricked and i have a second box I am also using but the software looks inaccessable. any welcome
  4. binary

    Hello from Oldham uk

    I love snow