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  1. moonpiggy

    Red blob (lens flare?)

    Good evening, have (2mp outdoor Hikvision/dome) and noticed that on the rear camera I have (don't know technical term!) - a red 'blob' that can be seen at certain times of the day (daylight hours). I am pretty sure its related to lens-flare as very early this morning it was non existent, then gradually as sun fades, so does the dot. However...even as I type now (18:22) Sun has well gone down, but can still see the red dot. When the IR's kick in / image greyscale, you can still see a shadow where this would be for a bit, until is seems to then disappear? Have got options to move/tilt around a little and TBH the red dot isn't going to cause me any issues if it is just flare/reflections - but just wondered if this could be anything else (ie something reflecting from inside the housing or a fault?) or could cause any damage? - ....or are any settings on cam/DRV that could help:? Thanks in advance for any pointers. Have tried Googling but cant see anything really the same?