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Everything posted by Jessamy

  1. We have a Sannce dvr, but many seem to respond in a similar way. This is how I solved the problem of not being let into system settings. This was after we turned off the electricity. Below are the steps that cured it, after days of research and failure, bingo! Instructions on how to reset your CCTV DVR if the password corrupts and you cannot access system settings. 1. In Windows 7 go to - Control panel Programs and Features (on the left panel) Turn Windows Features on and off A box appears. Tick the check box next to Telnet client. OK. Wait and when the box disappears, close Control panel. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2. Make sure your computer and the dvr are both connected to the router. Get the IP address of the dvr. Find Command Prompt and open it. You will see... c:\Users\Yourname> Type... telnet (the IP address of your dvr on your router) login: root Password xc3511 Welcome to Monitor Tech. (Type these letters followed by enter.) [root@monitor /1$ ls (short for list - lists all folders and files) cd mnt ls cd mtd ls cd Config (Capital C in Config) ls Here you will see all the folders and files in your dvr. Look for any called Account1 or Account2 etc. Remove all these by typing rm Account2 (rm short for remove) rm Account1 Check files ls If all the Account files have been removed exit Close the Command Prompt box. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Turn off your DVR. Turn it back on. It should be reset back to factory settings. Look in the manual or contact the makers for the default password. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- I hope this helps! All the best, Jessamy