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Everything posted by hardacre221

  1. Can anyone help me setting up my cctv remote viewing on my phone? Not really clued up on port forwarding and stuff, I have setup it up so i can log into my cctv on my computers. This is what i have done so that i can log into my cctv on my computers: First: Connected up my cameras&all my wires inc my ethernet to my dvr. Second: Went on my computer went on run (cmd) then type in ipconfig etc. Third: Put all the ipconfig what i needed into the dvr, changed the http port to 8080 and changed the media port to 34567. Fourth: Log into my sky router went to advanced to services add port 8080 for start and finished do this twice for TCP then for UDP. Fifth: Check to see if port 8080 is open on canyouseeme.org which it is and then log into 192.168.*.**:8080 i need help with setting it up on to my phone i've tried doing it the same way i done it with port 8080, but the port not opening when i check it on canyouseeme.org? Thanks.
  2. Still not opening, it says on canyouseeme.org the reason is no route to host?
  3. Alright, how can I get this port open its a sky fibre optic router I have watched all tutorials on port forward and its still not working?
  4. It is it says on the box Qvis Atlantis d1 & on the invoice. I have keep the media as 37777 but when I try to open the port on the router it's not opening as when I check it on canyouseeme.org it say error port isn't open
  5. I'm sure I'm doing everything right i tried open the port with 37777 and did the same with 34599 so when I check it on canyouseeme.org it says the ports isn't open
  6. Hi. Sorry open port 34599 on your router and select both tcp/up And use this app Discovery HD app by Qvis Labs, LLC. https://appsto.re/gb/MGsnG.i I have open the port on my service the start & finish 34599 and as TCP/UDP then add it into my inbound with the ip of my dvr but when i try to change my media port on my dvr to 34599 it still says port conflict Thanks.
  7. On netcofig on the dvr the moblie is 34599 so when i try to change the media port to 34599 it says port conflict? I would be using a iPhone 6s to view the camera's any also, when it comes to figuring how to do this on services on my sky router when i add the custom service what service type should i set the port to TCP or UDP? Thanks, for you reply.