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Everything posted by jweaver

  1. I dont really want twist on connectors.. And i cant find any BNCs that come wih the pin i need, let alone 2 pins. I just dont get it.. After looking around, approx 50% of the RG59 on sale, has the AWG20 (0.81mm) core.. So why are BNCs so hard to find?
  2. I am in the market for a CCTV system and my spec (And budget) has increased over the last for weeks exponentially.. I was close to buying an AHD system, but I found the iPad app was poor, so to cut a long story short, I decided to bite the bullet and go Hikvision. I still havnt' seen one in the flesh, but I am hoping that the front end software is nice and there are no missing or stupid features (like there was on the other box I was looking at). Anyway, I am at the last stages before I buy.. I am certainly buying the DS-7208, but I am trying to decide between the HGHI or the HQHI. The difference between the 2 appears to be: 1 vs 2 Hard-drives Buttons on Face Plate (HQHI) But the main difference is that the HGHI only does 1/2 frame rate at 1080P, where as the HQHI is full frame rate... This to me seems a worthwhile upgrade and since its only an extra 30% more for the box, its seems like a no-brainer. Has anyone got anything negative to say about the HQHI box (or Hikivision products in general)? Thanks in advance for any info you can give. Jon
  3. jweaver

    Hikvision HQHI box vs HGHI

    I don't.. Where did I say I had IP cameras.. I am planning on using Generic Sony CMOS 1080P TVI cameras.
  4. jweaver

    Hikvision HQHI box vs HGHI

    I hear you.. I am using 1080P cameras (Generic types with Sony CMOS sensors). Since I only have 3TB and 6 cameras, I will need to be mindful of storage.. But I am not particularly tight on budget, and I would rather have the capability for an extra drive and a higher frame rate and not use it.. Than go cheap and want the extra functionality later and not have it. At the end of the day, the price difference is negligable.. I was going to pay £110+VAT for the HGHI and have now been offered the HQHI for £129+VAT, so the price is almost the same. My only question really is whether there is any downside to the HQHI. Jon