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  1. qcitizen

    CQMax video forensics

    thank you so much for your assistance. i contacted the company and they hung up on me when i said "do you speak english." thanks again for your help. Eric
  2. qcitizen

    CQMax video forensics

    The server was on a dedicated Windows 2000 machine--no Start menu or regular Windows feel. The CQNet software sat on top of Windows, but wouldn't let you use Windows, other than Windows Explorer. I don't know how many channels it was/is. As for the model number, all I know is what I originally posted. It actually took me a lot of time to get even that much. This case started out with only the file. I came here bc basically I'm at my wits end. ERic
  3. qcitizen

    CQMax video forensics

    I've uploaded the file. It can be referenced at the tinyurl web site with a /2l8qk9 after the com.
  4. I am in possession of a video file obtained from a CQMax video surveillance system that needs to be played in court in order to prove a crime. Unfortunately, the original server which created the file has crashed and is unrecoverable. So I cannot use that server to play the file. Further, CQMax (the company) appears to be out-of-business, as both the USA and Korean web sites have been taken down. In effect, apparently I have no way to play the surveillance video. Can anyone help me obtain the software to play this video? PS--The file has a *.ddf extension. PPS--The manufacturer is CQMax Co., LTD, running the CQNet Series Digital Video Recording System, server version 2.1.8. Thanks for your help, Eric 602-262-6461