I've looked at the systems at the big warehouses, and I'm definitely looking for something better than that.
I think my house would be a pleasant surprise for a burgler, but my real intention is to protect my family, not my stuff. I want something that looks substantial,but not huge, and serves as a deterent. If something ever happens I don't want to be surprised by a malfunction.
I found prices on some AVTech and Eclipse products, and I'm willing to go a bit richer than that. I found specs for some nice looking CPCam cameras, i.e. the CPC381/CPC383, but can't find prices. I'm guessing they're a bit more and I'll do more searching. I'm also hoping for varifocal lenses to help compensate for my lack of expertise.
Thanks for the information, and please let me know if there are any other quality & value brands that are the next step above this price point.
Best regards,