Unless I'm missing something, the VSI- PRO MAX is simply a 5 channel unit. I'm not seeing any info on reporting an database functions.
I need to outfit 6 locations (C-stores) with 2 POS's per location (Ruby2 w/commander). I am stuck with the current video systems, which are 16 channel DVRs and 16 analog cameras per location. All the research I've done with regards to searchable databases leads me to companies the sell Integrated DVR's w/ databases (ex: www.ilinkpro.com). Soooo...
I'm thinking, if I can find a 1 or 2 channel DVR PC card with integrated text overlay and database, I can slap together a $300 pc for each location and loop the 2 POS's through the PC DVR cards back into the existing video system. This would give me the functions of a searchable database with video quarry, and at the same time, not have to update the current video systems. If I have to update, I'm stuck running new CAT5 lines for IP Cameras and DVR.. 6 locations X 16 cams per location = 96 new lines (Ugh!! there goes my summer!) Really want to avoid that... Furthermore the cost of the Integrated DVR databases is ridicules! Last quote was $8K per unit, So that's not a viable option. I'm stuck cobbling something together and I'm thinking the DVR cards with text, database and a dedicated PC looped back into the current video system is my best option.
Am I crazy? or am I on the right path.. I really want peoples opinion on my idea.
also, any suggestions on a DVR PC card that will fit my needs?