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Posts posted by ruairi

  1. In case anyone missed it (I did)

    The hybrid system only supports 8 IP cams.

    It is therefore not possible to have for example 14 IP cams and 2 analoge



    Are you sure ? I have this dongle part list from Geovision:


    55-NG004-000 GV-NVR (GV) 4

    55-NG008-000 GV-NVR (GV) 8

    55-NG012-000 GV-NVR (GV) 12

    55-NG016-000 GV-NVR (GV) 16


    55-NR001-000 GV-NVR 1

    55-NR002-000 GV-NVR 2

    55-NR004-000 GV-NVR 4

    55-NR006-000 GV-NVR 6

    55-NR008-000 GV-NVR 8

    55-NR010-000 GV-NVR 10

    55-NR012-000 GV-NVR 12

    55-NR016-000 GV-NVR 16

  2. Hello again.


    I have installed the multi view V 7.12 in several PC´s from the same custom.

    I have 15 GV server and I want to export this configuration from one Multiview Soft to another Multiview. It´s possible?




    Yes, there is a utility on the installation disk called FBR for this purpose.

  3. Multiview is giving me trouble as well. I can't import a hosts.ini file from a v8.12 and it seems to take an age to exit the multiview application.


    Andy connected to my machine this morning and has fixed both of these issues. Hopefully he will let us know what the solution was.

  4. Sorry for posting so often.


    Does anyone have any screen shots of Geovision Control Center or could generate some from their system?


    I need to put together an offer of a system to a client but wont have my kit in time.


    Here u go, from CMS v8.2. It's from a machine with 3 monitors, hence the widescreen look to the screenshot.[/img]


  5. I am having a 2nd problem with Multiview now, when I press exit, the confirmation dialog box comes up behind Multiview. This gives the impression that it has hung, but ALT-TAB brings it up and I can exit normally. Anyone else ?


    No sign of Andys email address yet for me to send on my hosts file

  6. Dear All,


    I had tested the GeoVision version 8.2.

    I simulate the problem as 501 mentioned.... exporting/importing the hosts in the Multiview...

    I had no problems with import/export functions....


    By the way, PIP/PAP functions can't be saved... but you can try screenshot....


    Is it possible that you guys got the version 8.2 beta ?




    Andy Chen


    Technical Support

    GeoVision. Inc.

    +886-2-8797-8377 ext 287


    No, I have the full release. I can send you the hosts file that is giving me trouble if you like.


    send me the HOST.ini let me test it please....


    Thank you....




    Andy Chen


    Technical Support

    GeoVision. Inc.

    +886-2-8797-8377 ext 287


    If you PM your email address to me, I will send it on.

  7. Dear All,


    I had tested the GeoVision version 8.2.

    I simulate the problem as 501 mentioned.... exporting/importing the hosts in the Multiview...

    I had no problems with import/export functions....


    By the way, PIP/PAP functions can't be saved... but you can try screenshot....


    Is it possible that you guys got the version 8.2 beta ?




    Andy Chen


    Technical Support

    GeoVision. Inc.

    +886-2-8797-8377 ext 287


    No, I have the full release. I can send you the hosts file that is giving me trouble if you like.

  8. Can a camera input that wasn't being watched be selected on the fly based on alarm inputs? If a back door motion detector alarms, can that door's camera be automatically be selected for viewing and recorded if it was previously off?


    Yes. Alarms (inputs) can be used to start recording on selected cameras for a predefined time. You can also use them to move PTZ cameras to particular locations.

  9. Multiview is giving me trouble as well. I can't import a hosts.ini file from a v8.12 and it seems to take an age to exit the multiview application.


    Anyone see a way to save PIP/PAP views ? Seems daft to have to set them up everytime.


    Also, seems to be a bug in the "Mediaman" utility, it thinks that one of my unused partitions is being used for recording.


    Overall though, seems to be a good release. Installation went smoothly and the reorganized menus are great once you get the hang of them. I think the different dongle options will prove to be a real pain though.

  10. Control Center is more for administering or viewing many DVR's. I've used it to connect to a 37" LCD and then link into 48 cameras at a Hotel with fantastic results. It very nice compared to haveing to switch to a different DVR, you can do everythign on any DVR right from the Control Center. Its like $250 but quite impressive and good for connection to many sites at the same time. I've also noticed that it seems to stream faster then Multiview with 16 cameras because it reduces the resolution, but it's not even noticeable in terms of quality.


    I agree. The speed of the remote connection in CMS is remarkable.

  11. So how does the control center work? Do the remote systems upload the video or stream to the server? Do you need more storage at the central than the others combined?


    Are you talking about Center v2 or CMS ?

  12. Thanks, glad to help. I was playing around with the SDK for the main Geo Server side, but think I will stick with the remote side for now, and maybe just some more basic mods like skins etc. for the server side. Lots of ideas but just not enough time .. I need a few mini mees ..


    Got this from Geovision today :


    GeoVision SDK Support


    Taipei, Taiwan - GeoVision is dedicated to developing video surveillance software and providing flexible solutions for video monitoring projects. Having noticed our customers, especially system integrators, who have thriving needs of our SDK tools to customize GeoVision products for their specific requirements, we are glad to launch our new SDK support and consultant services to a broader range of new application environments.


    Our DVR and Video Server SDKs are designed to provide seamless integration into existing control equipments or I/O devices, allowing users to develop applications on GeoVision video surveillance systems with full scalability in monitoring and electronics automation. With the well-rounded and customized SDK services, system developers may optimize their capability in using GeoVision's innovative products.

  13. DSP in new 1120 machine we just built is being used for monitor for public view,

    The dsp flicks through the 3 cameras not being used and shows a black screen instead of jumping back to cam1 etc,


    Geovision have been made aware of this issue, waiting for a fix.


    Are you actually using DSP as the spot monitor controller ?


    If so, then you need to go into the Spot Monitor Controller setup, Video setting tab and disable the unused channels there.
