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  1. That's really interesting! So the wires that are included are crap, essentially. The wires that I bought on amazon are thicker than the ones that were provided. So, if I replace the wires that were included with 2 new sets from amazon, that could/should hopefully fix the problem? I don't want to re-run all new wires because the one in the backyard was a real *** to run. The BNC connector is in the attic so they're both shielded from any weather conditions.
  2. Interesting. So with the situation I have now, is it a coincidence that the lines that are using a BNC connector are the ones that are having an issue? Isn't it weird that the issue only occurs at night?
  3. I'm using a combination of both sets of cables (I believe). The system came with 4 - 60ft wires. Two of my cameras are close to the DVR so I only needed that cable. Two of them are significantly further away so I needed to use the 60ft that came with the system and then an additional 150ft and an additional 60ft. I ordered the additional wires off amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Amcrest-Pre-Made-Security-Connectors-SCABLEHD150B/dp/B00ZDXCOEO?ie=UTF8&psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_detailpage_o04_s00 Amcrest 150 Feet Pre-Made All-in-One Siamese BNC Video and Power CCTV Security Camera Cable with Two Female Connectors for 960H & HD-CVI Camera and DVR (SCABLEHD150B)
  4. So each camera has the red (power) and yellow (video) running off of it. The yellow goes directly from the camera to the back of the dvr. The red goes from the camera to a 4 way splitter that was included with the "all in one system". So it plugs into the surge protector and off that runs one wire, the one wire turns into 4 female ends and the male ends plug into that. The male ends are the ones that came from each of the cameras.
  5. Hey everyone. I have a 4 camera system that I recently installed on my property. I have two cameras that have a 60ft run, one has a 120ft run, and the last has a 200 ft. run. The issue is that the 120ft. and 200ft. flicker when the IR comes on at night. At first I thought it was the wires or camera. Now, I've noticed that the one similarity that they both have in common is they both have a BNC connector in the line. What are the chances that the connector that's in the middle of the wires to make the run longer is the issue?