Hi, I'm looking for a hidden cam with power supply operating 24/7 reliable and with ftp and ddsn features.
I have a lot of doubts.
I tried some cameras in the past but for wireless ones sometimes the audio signal cuts off.
I've seen there are a lot of cameras on market but without brand and I don't know which I can trust on it.
Actually it would be enough for me only a microphone without video but it seems to me that there aren't devices with only audio signal.
Maybe it would be better only a wireless mic with a high gain and a good rate sound/noise but it must work well.
The device must be used for inside use.
Today I've just bought a cam but I don't know if it's a right purchase.
This cam (inside a charger) can be used with his software named Iminicam.
I don't know if you can set ftp, ddns or if you can use through some others app on phone.
Any suggestion is appreciate!!